Getting attention to your music can be fun once you have a solid Music Marketing Plan

There is no one size fits all when it comes to a music marketing plan nor is there one template that will work for everyone. One thing that you should always keep in mind is that in order to get more sales or more downloads you have to reach more people. You reach more people by creating shareable content.

Here are 10 things that you should be doing to start getting your music to reach more people today!

1. Post info on social media sites.

Hopefully, you have been managing your social media right up to this point and now that you are ready to promote your album people will actually pay attention to your messages. You don’t want all your tweets to be promotional though so try to be creative and diverse with your messaging. We can help with this if you need some advice.

2. Send songs to bloggers as early as possible.

If your project is already out then you miss out on selling the exclusivity factor but it is definitely still beneficial to get your music out to relevant bloggers. It won’t only be music bloggers that will be interested in your music though. try and think outside the box to see if there are other blogs that might feature your album.

3. Upload songs to streaming sites (SoundCloud, AudioMack, Bandcamp).

Whether you upload the whole album or just a couple of songs is up to you but as part of your music marketing plan, you definitely would want to be giving away at least one song for free as well. If you are looking for more sites that you might be able to upload your music to, check out our free download.

4. Create a Landing Page for Your Album.

This is a great way to get fans to focus in on your album. It would be good if you have an easy to remember url as well. The page would just feature your album/single, giving information about the single with a clear call to action for the visitor.

5. Post on Message Boards/Forums. 

This will take some research and a little time to build rapport with the communities but these are the places where you will find the true fans of music. Forums are not about blatant promotion though so you will want to take the time to find out and follow the rules of the relevant forum.

6. Change your avatar to your album cover on various social media sites.

This should be an automatic reflex when it comes to your music marketing plan. You have to be all about your release. All your social profiles should be showcasing your album/single cover. This means that every time people are interacting with you, they are being reminded that you have new music out. Remember people generally need to see something 7 times before they take action.

7. All featured artists should promote. 

If your album has features artists on there, make sure they are promoting your release to their fan base as well. You may be even able to come up with some interesting competitions that you can collaborate with them on.

8. Hit up your mailing list.

Of course, you have been building a mailing list and now it’s time to make them aware of what’s happening. Depending on how you have been managing your list up to this point, you may need to different campaigns for different segments of your list. This is where you want to put a lot of the focus of your music marketing plan. There’s a reason why they say the power is in the list.

9. Create special business cards that reflect the release of your album.

This is a relatively low-cost way to go to get the word out about your album. Business cards are a little more user-friendly than flyers plus the fact that you are using a card to promote your album should make a bigger impression with your audience

10. Create a Pinterest collage that revolves around your album.

Many musicians don’t utilise the power of . It’s one of the top 10 social sites in the world and that says a lot. People enjoy visuals and are usually more likely to engage with them.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of what you can do and what a full music marketing plan should contain. There are no rules and you will often find that it’s when you do things that are outside of the norm that you get the best results.


1 thought on “Your Music Marketing Plan – 10 Positive things that Should be a Part of It”

  1. Pingback: Music Marketing Plan at The Xube

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