The Xube 25 Places For More Music Exposure – Free Download

Next to getting sales, more music exposure for your songs is probably one of the most important things independent artists can get. The opportunity to reach new audiences and connect with people who connect with your music will help you to increase your fanbase and build a sustainable career. You could just have made what you feel is the greatest song ever, if nobody ever hears it, nobody will be able to share in that joy with you.
All the resources you find in this guide will help you to get your music out there for free. These sites should be part of your overall music marketing plan and .
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How do I get my music in front of more people?
This is a question we get asked a lot by musicians that visit our site. We can’t pretend that this is an easy thing to accomplish. This is mainly due to the sheer amount of musical content that is available these days. Still, if you are passionate about your music and believe in what you create, then you owe it to yourself and your potential fans to get your music out there.
Our free download, 25 Places For More Music Exposure, is a great place to start. You will also want to create different types of media for your content including images, memes, videos.
In terms of videos, an option to consider is waveform videos like the one below. Remember you can get a chance to win a waveform video for free in our monthly prize draw