“I do have a great team surrounding me, though. I’ve learnt the balance between being in charge and delegating, letting go of responsibilities.” Says Irini Mando

Irini Mando

As we continue to do what we can to support the success of independent artists and their music, we have started doing artist interviews. We are very honoured to welcome you to our very first interview with the exquisitely beautiful, London based singer/songwriter, Irini Mando.

1) Tell us about your latest release EP ‘Pink Noise’? What’s the inspiration behind it?

Since Pink Noise is my Debut EP, I wanted to introduce myself by showing different sides of myself as well as experimenting with several styles and instruments. I was on a true journey discovering how my thoughts translate into sound. 

2) We noticed that you co-created the EP with the Amy Winehouse Foundation, how did you get this opportunity? How was the experience?

I was forwarded to meet with the Foundation by WAC Arts where I’ve graduated from last year. I co-created two of the tracks with them and continued working with Urban Monk, who I met through the Foundation.

3) What is your music background?

I have been trained in both singing and piano from the age of five and in a way always knew I wanted to do music professionally. Wanting to pursue an international career, I moved to London five years ago to study music full-time. 

4) Do you write your own songs?

Absolutely! I sometimes have co-writers but most of my material is 100% Irini Mando. I also co-produce and arrange most my music. 

5) How do you describe your music to people?

I would say I am urban, yet elegant. 

6) What does success look like to you?

When you love what you do, it full fills you and enables you to support your lifestyle, you’re successful. 

7) Are you looking to sign with a label or are you happy to reman independent?

At the moment, I just want to share my music and connect with as many people as possible before I think about the answer to this. 

8) What do you think is the biggest challenge of being an independent artist?

Mainly pulling the strings in regards to everything! You have to have a great eye for detail and not be afraid to be straight forward. But first of all, you need to know what you want. 

I do have a great team surrounding me, though. I’ve learnt the balance between being in charge and delegating, letting go of responsibilities.

9) Do you use a PR agent to help promote your music and if so would you recommend them?

I have a team supporting my work for they truly believe in the project. I have had experience working with third parties and the way we’re working now definitely has proven to be more effective. 

10) What has been your best moment performing live?

I love how every gig I play is very unique in their own way; may it be different settings or just different crowds creating different energies – it always is exciting to share my mind. I especially love when people connect with my words, when they can relate for they experienced something similar.

Now for some random questions

11) Please share with us the last picture you took on your phone

The last picture I took was a selfie walking around Shoreditch on a sunny day! The unexpected sun made me very happy. 


irini mando


12) What do you think Victoria’s secret is?

A lingerie brand. 

13) Are you wearing matching socks right now?

I’m barefoot whenever I can! I would be 24/7 if I lived on an island. 

14) What makes you cringe?

Fake people. 

15) Can you give us a link to a video that always makes you laugh?

I love Jimmy Kimmel’s sense of humour! I think I most probably have seen every single upload from his youtube channel. One of my personal favourites:

If you would like to connect with Irini Mando and listen to her music, here are some links for to explore;

Main Website

If you would like to be considered for an artist interview, please send us links to your music for us to check out


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