Here at The Xube we are passionate about helping independent artists achieve success.
Founded by a group of independent artists and musicians, The Xube specialises in online music marketing for independent music makers. We focus on helping independent artists get as much as possible out of their online presence. Music in general is a very crowded and competitive marketplace and finding ways to stand out above the rest of the crowd now requires just as much creativity, if not more, than what it takes to make great music. Through our range of services, we work with our clients to solidify their online presence, get more exposure for their music, as well as finding new and fruitful opportunities for them in their careers.
What is Success?
This is completely subjective and it is up to you to decide what success means to you. There is no one path to success but it begins with believing in yourself and your talent and abilities. You do not need a major label, radio airplay or even sold-out tours to make a sustainable living from music. You just need to keep making great music and find the people that appreciate your music. With belief and perseverance, you will carve your path toward success. We’re just happy if we can help you along on that journey.
Resources for Musicians
One aspect of The Xube that we like to focus on is finding resources that independent artists and musicians can use to help them in their careers. There are so many tools out there, all claiming to be the ones that will help you make it. We find that the only way to know this for sure is to get honest feedback from artists about these services. Check out our resources page and leave a review today of any of the tools or resources you have used. We’re also always happy to hear stories about your success in music here at The Xube so never hesitate to contact us